Get in touch

EngineeringTwenty is run by Chris Hawkins. I've been in the CEO and CTO seats of Khosla & Founders Fund-backed companies. These days, I focus on the technical side of things with companies or product lines below the $20M revenue mark.

I typically help in one of a few ways:

  1. If you are an engineering leader just looking for help, ping me. I love chatting with startups for free.
  2. Speaker - I speak at events. I've spoken at events such as the Launch Conference by Jason Calicanis, Startup Weekends by TechStars), and others.
  3. Advisor - I do advise companies, typically helping them with recruiting, team building, technical steering, helping new managers level up, and similar things.
  4. Fractional Engineering Lead - I do fractional engineering leadership work. I often see companies overpay engineering leadership and under-resource engineers in the early stage. Fractional leadership can help, and I can help talk about the option, whether of not you use me.
  5. Full-Time Engineering Lead - I do full-time engineering leadership roles. I can go full-time for the right opportunity!

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